MC Sustain is a good character fighting to create awareness of sustainability issues on UC. His heart is in the right place but he gets frustrated with the poor attitudes of the students and the delivery of his message can be a bit blunt. He raps in the style of a gangster rapper which is a style that is meant to be abrasive, confronting and rub people up the wrong way but the idea was that people would get that it was meant to be a joke and wouldn't take it too seriously.This character was designed to attract to the concert going crowd at UC and those that frequent the bar areas on campus. My intention was to create music that was actually good and contained lyrics that drew attention to people's unsustainable practices and poked fun at them in a clichéd gangster rapper kind of way. By doing this I was hoping that people would notice things about their behaviour that they previously hadn't and start to think about their habits a bit more.
My character has profiles on both Facebook and Soundcloud but Facebook was his main way of communicating. I think that Facebook is a great way to reach an audience as everybody uses it and it's easy to upload a variety of content on there such as images, videos and sounds and instantly get them out to your audience. I didn't get to use Soundcloud as I'd hoped because it was harder to create music than I had anticipated and the music I did create couldn't be uploaded onto Soundcloud as it was already hosted on its own website and couldn't be exported.You can find his Facebook here, and his Soundcloud page here
Rabbit hole
To get people interested in MC Sustain and act as the rabbit hole to Facebook and Soundcloud I created a couple of posters which I posted up around campus. The posters were made to look like Hip Hop gig posters and had information and phrases on them encouraging students to clean up after themselves and not leave litter everywhere. Littering is MC Sustains pet peeve and he doesn't like what he sees around the campus.
This is my favourite poster. It was fun to make and I think it gets MC Sustain's attitude across nicely. He doesn't mince his words, he just tells it how he sees it.
I put the posters up locations where I thought they would naturally attract the eye as people walked past them. There are posters all over the place at UC and I think most people (myself included) have learned to block them out and don't really pay them much attention on their travels around campus. With this in mind I tried to place my posters in places were you can't help but look at them such as on doors or on the wall above the urinal in the men's toilet in Building 7.
On the window of the Coop Bookshop
Near the bins outside the Refectory
Near the bins outside the Refectory
On the lower doors going into Building 9
On the wall outside the Library
On the wall outside the Library
On the signage outside the library
On the doors to building 7
On the doors to building 7
The men's contemplation area in building 7
The men's contemplation area in building 7
Outside the GD Labs in Building 7
On the doors to the GD labs in Building 7
I shortened my Facebook web address with but I was disappointed to see that I didn't receive any visits to my page through those links, not one!
I think I should try using a QR code next time as even though shortened the web address, it still looked like this which is pretty much impossible to remember so unless people actually stood there and type the web address into their phones straight away there was no way they'd be able to remember it later on. With a QR code they could've quickly and painlessly accessed the link so that's something I'll definitely bear in mind if I ever do an exercise like this again.
As far as actual rapping goes, I didn't really create much content and I really regretted my character choice as the unit progressed but by then it was too late to change it. I think the biggest thing that hampered me in the creation of raps is that I felt like a complete idiot every time I tried to rap and most of the tools I tried didn't work out like I had hoped or required me to invest much more time than I had available to produce acceptable results.
The best example I made was created with the assistance of the Autorap app on my iPhone which you can listen to here
Working with other characters
I worked with Sam Bartlett on an animation for his Sustainability Man character which was probably the best bit of content my character was involved in. Sam was responsible for all of the animation but I worked with him to record the audio and provided the beats for my character to rap over in the episode. It was good fun and it turned out really well.
Check out the video:
Check out the video:
Observations and Learnings
If I was to do this exercise again, the first thing I would do is choose another character where I could work within an area I was familiar with instead of trying to branch out into something I didn't really know anything about. I felt like I wasted too much time trying to get to grips with new technology only to fail because I couldn't get the results I was after.
I'd also get together with a group of other students instead of working on my own. I think that in order for a transmedia project to work you need to be in a group of at least 3-4 people who bring a varied yet overlapping set of skills to the table. I think it would be ideal if you had enough people to collaborate to develop a story arc with depth while enabling you to work within your area of expertise to generate content instead of trying to fumble your way through an area you're not familiar with. Trying to rap and make beats when I've never done it before is a mistake I wouldn't repeat again.
If I had more funding and the opportunity to develop my character further I would definitely seek out somebody who was able to produce quality tunes and somebody to help me animate a cartoon series and comic strip with MC Sustain as the star. All the episodes would be based around ways to combat pollution and wastage and would contain raps on the subject that would be available in their entirety on Soundcloud and iTunes to stream and purchase.
Thoughts on the Design Challenge
Do I think we succeeded in creating a culture of sustainability at UC? No, definitely not. As explained above I think we definitely need to be working in groups containing a variety of different skills for transmedia to work effectively. Doing it on your own is just too hard and the subject material while important, just doesn't have enough meat to it to create any sort of engaging storyline unless you are working in a group that can put their heads together to create content. I think that the UC community are just as apathetic as they were before and only a handful would've noticed the extra amount of posters cluttering the walls around campus and even fewer still would've been bothered to actually go down the rabbit holes to see what it was all about. For this kind of campaign to work it needs to be much more in your face so there's no way you can escape the message. It needs a captive audience and a really high quality of work to get people interested and unfortunately I just don't think it's possible to get the average person to care about the environment until it's too late.
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